Sustainable sourcing policy

Blue Line is committed to sustainability. This commitment is based on the ten principles of the UN Global Compact. Where practically possible and relevant, Blue Line complies with the UN Global Compact's 10 principles for responsible business operations, which include respect for human rights, employee rights, the environment and anti-corruption.

Supplier selection

In connection with the selection of a new supplier, the supplier's sustainability profile is evaluated. This evaluation is carried out via a supplier questionnaire (10001_Sustainability Questionnaire_001) filled out by the supplier. In addition, the supplier must sign Blue Line's Code of Conduct.

Reporting and deviations

All completed supplier questionnaires are collected and registered. Each questionnaire is evaluated to identify whether an improvement project should be initiated. If Blue Line wishes to co-operate with a supplier on an improvement project, this project is created in Blue Line's quality system.

Any supplier deviations in connection with the completed supplier questionnaire or Blue Line's Code of Conduct will be registered in Blue Line's quality system for further processing.


The goal is that a supplier questionnaire survey has been conducted among 5 of the most important suppliers, measured by turnover, by June 6th 2023.

It is a goal that the selection of new suppliers is based on the UN Global Compact's 10 principles for responsible business operations, the answering of supplier questionnaires and the acceptance of Blue Line's Code of Conduct.

Over the past 3 years, Blue Line has consistently aimed to enhance its score, and as of April 24, it ranks among the top 19% highest scorers. 
One of Blue Line's objectives is to elevate its current Ecovadis score to a Gold rating within the next 5 years.

Blue Line commits to:

  • Evaluate existing and new business partners regarding sustainability via supplier questionnaire
  • Working with suppliers to improve sustainability
  • Co-operation with suppliers who have signed Blue Line's Code of Conduct
  • Prioritise suppliers that support sustainable supply chain, where practically possible and relevant
  • Evaluate sustainability continuously in the supply chain and initiate improvement projects
  • Detect deviations

This policy is reviewed once a year.