Blue Line continues last year's success, where we gather the core of the pharmaceutical industry to a showcase with case stories, inspiration, trends and demo/hands-on. The theme for 2023 is digitization and optimization.
The program consists of 3 exciting presentations, including a focus on sign-on solutions, data capture with barcode technology, digitization and productivity improvements targeted at the pharmaceutical industry, and some of the problems that fill everyday life and how to solve them.
Also get inspiration from the showcase with hands-on demo of IT hardware and dialogue about your focus areas with our experts.
See the latest products specifically designed to meet typical challenges in pharmaceutical manufacturing, including:
- Cleanroom Tablets for different usage scenarios
- Mobile Operator Station for ultimate mobility
- Various Fixed Mount HMIs
The day will start with breakfast and snacks will be served during the day. Sign op for lunch via above link.
There is plenty of space and 350 free parking spaces right in front of the conference center.
Come and get inspired:
All presentations will be presented in English.

We look forward to welcoming you!