Blue Line does not accept any form of corruption, including bribery. This anti-corruption policy and its code of conduct apply to all employees of Blue Line. Its purpose is to ensure and support a behavior and ethics characterized by the highest standards of personal and organizational integrity, both internally and externally with our various partners.
Corruption is defined as dishonest or fraudulent behavior by someone in Blue Line in order to obtain personal, direct or indirect, benefits such as gifts, money, promises or initiatives that provides the giver with an unjustified advantage.
Gifts and benefits
By gifts and services we understand broadly, but not limited to below:
- Money of any kind
- Supplier and customer gifts, e.g. for receptions, Christmas, etc.
- Lunch, dinner, tickets, events, etc.
- Benefits, including discounts
- Staff may not request gifts or benefits from e.g. suppliers or customers
In exceptional circumstances, staff can both give and receive gifts from suppliers. These special circumstances are the following:
- Gifts that are given directly and personally in connection with e.g. a reception, celebration of an anniversary, birthday or the like can be accepted if the received gifts have a maximum value of DKK 500
- Gifts received or given individually or jointly for a department can be accepted if the value does not exceed DKK 500. As far as possible, the gift will be shared between the employees, e.g. by drawing lots.
If a gift is received with a value above DKK 500, the employee must report this to the immediate manager, who must assess what is justifiable within the framework of this policy.
There is acceptance to receive invitations to lunches and dinners. This type of hospitality is not considered conflicting with the policy if it relates to business purposes such as meetings, visits, teaching, and conferences that are not extravagant.
Tickets/invitations to events, courses, etc. can be accepted if approved by the immediate manager. It is expected that such events are relevant both commercially and professionally.
Blue Line's employees are welcome to invite business partners, suppliers and customers to lunch, dinner or share a gift if she or he has prior approval from the immediate manager.
Conflicts of interest
In some cases, an employee may discover a conflict of interest between his/hers private interests and the professional work at Blue Line. This must be avoided so that there is no conflict between the employees' personal interests and Blue Line's interests. Personal interests are benefits for the employee himself/herself, family and friends.
In the event of a potential conflict of interest, the employee is obliged to get consent from the immediate manager before making an agreement.
Breach of anti-corruption policy
In the event of corruption by Blue Line and/or employees, this must be notified and reported as soon as possible, verbally or in writing directly to the immediate manager or CEO.
The corruption cases will be handled by Blue Line's Management team in order to take immediate action and report all cases to the Board of Directors.
Failure to comply with this policy may have consequences for the employees' terms of employment and for the parties involved.
It is the responsibility of Management to reassess this policy once a year.